Student Announcements

Student Announcements

  • If you have seen Renee Rapp in Mean Girls, and can’t get World Burn out of your head we’ve got great news. NorCal School of the Arts is back this year with the musical Mean Girls! Auditions will be held in the auditorium today, Tuesday and Wednesday until 4:45. If you are interested in singing, dancing and acting or stage crew help please come down to sign up! You don’t want to miss this totally fetch show! 
  • Seniors! Make sure to invite your parents to “Senior Parent Night Meeting” on March 12th from 6:00-7:00 PM in the JFK Auditorium.

Student Announcements

  • Hey JFK yearbooks are on sale and you can get $10 off by using the code Valentine2025. Hurry before prices increase. Go to and purchase your yearbook today! If you have any questions see Ms. Karpiel in room F2.
  • Come & Join MED Club in Room B-22 during A lunch today, •learn more about nursing, & the best nursing programs out there
  • Join the yearbook photo

•new members always welcome 
•snacks provided!! 

Student Announcements

  • Hey JFK yearbooks are on sale and you can get $10 off by using the code Valentine2025. Hurry before prices increase. Go to and purchase your yearbook today! If you have any questions see Ms. Karpiel in room F2.
  • Come & Join MED Club in Room B-22 during A lunch this This thursday, •learn more about nursing, & the best nursing programs out there

•Join the yearbook photo
•new members always welcome 
•snacks provided!!