
Our Mission
The staff, students, and parents or guardians of John F. Kennedy are committed to a safe and caring environment, one that promotes excellence and pride in self, school, and community.


We respect individual and cultural diversity as it promotes understanding of the humanity of all people. We expect all students to achieve their highest potential and encourage them to become responsible and productive members of society.

Kennedy students strive to Have a Purpose in all that they do, Be Thoughtful about how they treat others, Seek Understanding when making judgements, and strive to Get Invested in their education, their community, and the future.


Time to Schedule Senior Pictures!


Class of 2024 – Time to Schedule Senior Pictures!

Greetings seniors and parents/guardians of the class of 2024! It’s time to schedule your senior pictures with Prestige Photography – our official senior photographer. Sessions will take place at Elk Grove Studio Location: 3159 Dwight Rd, Elk Grove, CA 95758 (877) 825-7922

Seniors must have their photo taken by Prestige to be included in our school’s yearbook. We encourage you to schedule early by visiting https://local.prestigeportraits.com/.

Thank you, and congratulations!